In life, all of us have experienced the frustration of trying to accomplish a task but not knowing how. This could be a simple toy assembly for our children, learning a new sport like golf or fixing a problem with our electronic gadgets. The emotions that erupt are very strong and may often be negative.
The workplace is no different and properly focused training initiatives may be the solution. They eliminate employee frustration, improve productivity and quality and ensure engagement, all of which contribute to the bottom line.
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
– John F. Kennedy
Treyburn Human Resources Group is experienced in developing training strategies and programs that are uniquely designed to each client’s needs. We believe in targeting limited resources to solve specific training needs that will bring the largest return for the investment, and those that are aligned with the overall objectives of our client.
Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.
– Peter Drucker
Leadership is the other key component. An organization can have the right skills but still not be successful. The group needs to know how and where to go. Treyburn HR Group understands how to develop leadership skills at all levels in an organization that translate learning into results.
Areas of Expertise include:
- Leadership Development
- Supervisory Training
- Needs Assessment
- Customized Training Programs